This article covers loggers related to the Enterprise Administration Module that were introduced in Ignition version 7.8.X.
Loggers in this article:
- Provides general updates for existing agents when they are updated or uninstalled. This logger is only available on a controller gateway.
INFO log that appears by default when an agent is uninstalled from a remote gateway. {GatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway:
Uninstalling agent ‘{GatewayName}’
INFO log that appears by default when an agent is uninstalled from a remote gateway. {GatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway:
DEBUG log that notifies us when changes have been made to the agent:
Agent id '_0:0:{GatewayName}’ successfully updated.
DEBUG log that notifies us when changes have been made to the agent:
- Monitors the current status of all EAM agents connected to the controller. Provides response events about the connection process for agents as well as a summary of their current state received from an agent. This logger only applies to a controller gateway.
DEBUG log showing the process of an agent’s connection being created then deleted. {GatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway:
[_0:0:{GatewayName}] Agent state changed from NotConnected_Unapproved->Connected_Unapproved
[_0:0:{GatewayName}] Executing approved agent actions...
Posting event threshold settings to agent '_0:0:{GatewayName}
Agent state changed from Connected_Unapproved->Connected_Approved
[_0:0:Ignition-WS] Agent state changed from Connected_Approved->Connected_Unapproved
Agent '{GatewayName}' has remotely requested to be disconnected.
DEBUG log showing the process of an agent’s connection being created then deleted. {GatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway:
DEBUG log providing the status of an agent’s gateway. Will be provided every 5 seconds. Will include the status of database connections denoted as {Database ConnectionName}:
[_0:0:{GatewayName}] Metrics received from remote agent:
values=[[cpu=15.0, mem=40.0, log_errmin=0, log_errhour=1, client_count=0, designer_count=0,
db_activeconnections[{Database ConnectionName}]=0, db_activeconnections[{Database ConnectionName}]=0]], events=[[]]
DEBUG log providing the status of an agent’s gateway. Will be provided every 5 seconds. Will include the status of database connections denoted as {Database ConnectionName}:
- Provides the corresponding updates that have yet to be received by the controller in the form of AgentModel.Agent logs. This logger only applies to an agent gateway.
INFO log that appears by default when the agent is successfully connected to the controller:
Contact has been made with controller, sending agent registration request.
Confirmed that agent is approved on the controller, metrics can now be sent.
INFO log that appears by default when the agent is successfully connected to the controller:
DEBUG log showing the process of an agent’s connection being created then deleted. {GatewayName} is denoted as the name of the agent’s Ignition gateway name:
StatusEventService transmission has been started, a StatusEventService message will be sent every 5 seconds.
StatusEventService transmission has been stopped
DEBUG log showing the process of an agent’s connection being created then deleted. {GatewayName} is denoted as the name of the agent’s Ignition gateway name:
DEBUG log providing the status of an agent that will be sent to the controller. Will be provided every 5 seconds. Will include the status of database connections denoted as {Database ConnectionName}:
Sending agent metric report: values=[[cpu=28.0, mem=42.0, log_errmin=0, log_errhour=1, client_count=0, designer_count=0,
db_activeconnections[{Database ConnectionName}]=0, db_activeconnections[{Database ConnectionName}]=0]], events=[[]]
DEBUG log providing the status of an agent that will be sent to the controller. Will be provided every 5 seconds. Will include the status of database connections denoted as {Database ConnectionName}:
A series of loggers for monitoring specific EAM controller tasks that are executed against connected EAM agent gateways.
- Monitors the execution of an EAM controller retrieving a gateway backup from one or more EAM agents. {AgentGatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway.
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for retrieving a connected, EAM agent’s gateway backup:
Starting backup task for 1 server(s). Servers: [_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}]
[backup/1c6a3ab6-02a4-4617-9182-5e065a69b2da] Success result received for '_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}'
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for retrieving a connected, EAM agent’s gateway backup:
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for retrieving a connected, EAM agent’s gateway backup:
(id=1c6a3ab6-02a4-4617-9182-5e065a69b2da) Task yielding execution.
Received backup manifest for _0:0:{AgentGatewayName}
For _0:0:{AgentGatewayName}, valid=true and backupNeeded=true
Will request backup from _0:0:{AgentGatewayName}, elapsed milliseconds=1
Will run archive module check for _0:0:{AgentGatewayName}, elapsed milliseconds=1364
Marking task as complete for _0:0:{AgentGatewayName}, elapsed milliseconds=2693
(id=1c6a3ab6-02a4-4617-9182-5e065a69b2da) Task has completed, will resume to process completion.
(id=1c6a3ab6-02a4-4617-9182-5e065a69b2da) Task type 'GatewayBackupTask' has completed.
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for retrieving a connected, EAM agent’s gateway backup:
- Monitors the execution of an EAM controller restoring a gateway backup to one or more EAM agents. {AgentGatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway.
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for restoring a gateway backup to a connected, EAM agent:
Starting restore backup task for 1 server(s). Servers: [_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}]
[restoreBackup/ef858a35-9b0c-413c-935c-508eacd10819] Success result received for '_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}'
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for restoring a gateway backup to a connected, EAM agent:
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for restoring a gateway backup to a connected, EAM agent:
(id=ef858a35-9b0c-413c-935c-508eacd10819) Task yielding execution.
(id=ef858a35-9b0c-413c-935c-508eacd10819) Task has completed, will resume to process completion.
(id=ef858a35-9b0c-413c-935c-508eacd10819) Task type 'RestoreBackupTask' has completed.
EAM Restore Backup Task successfully deleted temp files.
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for restoring a gateway backup to a connected, EAM agent:
- Monitors the execution of an EAM controller passing a project defined on the controller to one or more EAM agents. {AgentGatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway. {ControllerGatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the controller Ignition gateway.
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for passing a project defined on the controller to an EAM agent:
[sendProject/26dcce0c-0eea-49db-9f75-4231fad5b4c2] Success result received for '_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}'
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for passing a project defined on the controller to an EAM agent:
INFO log showing the default output from the agent gateway when receiving a project from its controller:
Project '_0:0:{ControllerGatewayName}' has been received from system 'Test', and will be loaded into the gateway.
INFO log showing the default output from the agent gateway when receiving a project from its controller:
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for passing a project defined on the controller to an EAM agent:
Starting transfer of project 'Test' to gateways: [[_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}]]
Successfully wrote project 'Test' to file 'temp\Test_53_1634223999495.proj' in 30 ms
Project queued for send to gateways: [_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}]
(id=26dcce0c-0eea-49db-9f75-4231fad5b4c2) Task yielding execution.
(id=26dcce0c-0eea-49db-9f75-4231fad5b4c2) Task has completed, will resume to process completion.
(id=26dcce0c-0eea-49db-9f75-4231fad5b4c2) Task type 'SendProjectTask' has completed.
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for passing a project defined on the controller to an EAM agent:
DEBUG log showing additional details from the agent gateway for passing a project defined on the controller to an EAM agent:
Project received from '_0:0:{ControllerGatewayName}, temp file location:
C:\Windows\TEMP\metro\1b4f6140-c0c8-47d5-80c4-844568fb6032_Test_53_1634223999495.proj. File size: 59003
DEBUG log showing additional details from the agent gateway for passing a project defined on the controller to an EAM agent:
- Monitors the execution of an EAM controller passing individual project resources defined on the controller to one or more EAM agents. {AgentGatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the agent Ignition gateway. {ControllerGatewayName} is denoted as the system name of the controller Ignition gateway
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for passing individual project resources defined on the controller’s project to an EAM agent:
[sendResource/d836f1e1-3400-4533-9ccd-671d0073f5cf] Success result received for '_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}'
INFO log showing the default output from the controller gateway for passing individual project resources defined on the controller’s project to an EAM agent:
INFO log showing the default output from the agent gateway when receiving project resources from its controller:
Partial project 'Test' received from '{ControllerGatewayName}'. Any included resources will be overwritten.
INFO log showing the default output from the agent gateway when receiving project resources from its controller:
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for passing individual project resources defined on the controller’s project to an EAM agent:
Starting transfer of project 'Test' to gateways: [[_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}]]
Successfully wrote project 'Test' to file 'temp\Test_0_1634225446880.proj' in 14 ms
Project queued for send to gateways: [_0:0:{AgentGatewayName}]
(id=d836f1e1-3400-4533-9ccd-671d0073f5cf) Task yielding execution.
(id=d836f1e1-3400-4533-9ccd-671d0073f5cf) Task has completed, will resume to process completion.
(id=d836f1e1-3400-4533-9ccd-671d0073f5cf) Task type 'SendResourceTask' has completed.
DEBUG log showing additional details from the controller gateway for passing individual project resources defined on the controller’s project to an EAM agent:
DEBUG log showing additional details from the agent gateway for passing project resources on the controller’s project to an EAM agent:
Project received from '_0:0:{ControllerGatewayName}', temp file location:
C:\Windows\TEMP\metro\58037cf3-086f-4649-beb9-1d08d3c1bcfa_Test_0_1634225446880.proj. File size: 29062
DEBUG log showing additional details from the agent gateway for passing project resources on the controller’s project to an EAM agent:
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