*Note: For versions 7.9+ the gateway looks a little different. See the videos here for the offline unactivation/activation processes*
Unactivating/Activating through the Gateway Control Utility
This functionality is available through the Gateway Control Utility in versions of Igniton 7.5.7+
Offline Unactivation:
1) Launch the Gateway Control Utility.
2) Click on "Create offline unactivation request" and save the unactivation_message.txt file.
3) Take the unactivation request file you obtained in step 1 to a computer the thas Internet access. Navigate to www.inductiveautomation.com. Now go to Support > Support Portal > " Activate / Unactivate". On the "Activate/Unactivate Ignition" page, use the second box ("Unactivate Ignition") to choose the unactivation request file and select the "Unactivate" button.
This will complete the offline unactivation process.
Offline Activation:
1) Launch the Gateway Control Utility.
2) Click on "Create offline activation request".
Enter your CD-Key and save the activation_request.txt file.
3) Take the activation request file you obtained in step 1 to a computer that has Internet access. Navigate to www.inductiveautomation.com. Now go to Support > Support Portal > " Activate / Unactivate". On the "Activate/Unactivate Ignition" page, use the first box ("Activate Ignition") to choose the activation request file and select the "Activate" button.
**Make sure to only click once on this step. A double-click will count as two activations and will put your gateway into Emergency Activation Mode. The only way to get out of Emergency Activation mode is to contact your Account Executive or another IA staff member so they can reset your license for you.
This will generate the license.ipl file.
3) Save the license.ipl file and move it to the computer where the Ignition Gateway is installed. Navigate to the GCU and click on "Apply license.ipl".
Choose the correct file and click Open. This will complete the offline activation process
Following this link will take you to the Activate/Unactivate page of our website
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